We walk the extra mile converting your expectations into results which are well planned, highly scalable and secure. We are proudly full-stack!


Solution On-Demand

Our team brings out hassle-free readymade applications as per need to our clients. With technology like cloud computing, we tap into scalable solutions which are easy to maintain and quick to deploy. Our web development team works alongside managers, architects, and designers to bring out the best in the market and to ensure users get a smooth and seamless experience.

Platforms That Excel Growth

When you explain your requirements, we map our way through the platform that sustains the model. Each project of us filters through top developers to ensure seamless quality. From PHP, MySQL, and Angular to React Native; we’ve done it all. We retain talents through our company culture and our developers know every advanced tools and framework to build your desired application. We understand that each project is unique and we deploy the right skills & tools for that particular product.

Mobile App Development

More Than an Application

How would you feel if your application works smoothly and user hates it at the same time? Why? Because of poor design and user interface. Inflack team over the past years, had been involved with numerous technology and business domains. This experience helps us to attain resources and bring in ideas, skills, and expertise from very other sectors.

We Develop

We Deliver


ERP Solution

Instead of several standalone databases with an endless inventory of disconnected spreadsheets, We develop ERP systems to bring order to chaos so that all users—from the CEO to accounts payable clerks—can create, store, and use the same data derived through common processes.


API & Backend

We build different categories of APIs for sharing and analyzing data across various applications – an area where the characteristics of the API determine the value of the application or deem it untenable for use in the real world.


Ecommerce Solution

We develop E-commerce solutions that allow businesses to become more efficient and allow customers to select from a wide variety of product choices and shop from anywhere in the world, at any time of day.


Customized Application

With our Customized Application development, it can be created to meet the specific requirements of our customers and users by providing easy access, while protecting sensitive data with high-end security features.

